
Fournisseur de lunettes éclipse American Paper Optics répertorié par l'AAS, situé à Montréal, Canada

AAS listed vendor of genuine American Paper Optics eclipse glasses, located in Montreal, Canada

I will use this area to indicate when I'll run out of glasses. J'utilise cette endroit pour indiquer lorsque je n'aurais plus de lunettes.

out of stock as of April 7 11:20am. No more restock. Check out other sellers in Ontario and Montreal(below)

In stock

For local purchase in Montreal, you can contact apertio. apertio-inc came to Montreal to sell some of their eclipse glasses stock. You can find their contact below:

apertio-inc: 438-885-1013 / [email protected]

Address: 3105 promenade du quartier saint martin, Laval, QC H7T 0N7

Proof of purchase:

We're also listed on the following platforms: (Quick Response) (Quick Response) (Quick Response)